Each of our unique triggers is a window into our past. Triggers are external factors (such as certain people, situations, or words) that elicit an intense and automatic emotional response in us. When another person triggers us, we always have the option to put up a boundary and create more distance in the relationship but if that’s the only strategy available to us, we’ll end up quite isolated.

Using triggers to deepen relationships is all about understanding and tending to the emotional wound in us that still needs attention and using nonviolent communication to create new bonds based on safety.

Join this interactive session for a chance to understand the root causes of your triggers. We’ll review the biology behind what’s happening in our bodies when we’re getting triggered and work through your real-life triggering situation. Once you’ve tended to the root of your trigger, you’ll learn how to use nonviolent communication to address the other person directly and build a new foundation for your relationship.

“…all the difficult things, the problematic situations in your life are not chance or haphazard. They are actually yours. They are specifically yours, designed specifically for you by a part of you that loves you more than anything else. The part of you that loves you more than anything else has created roadblocks to lead you to yourself.” — A.H. Almas

Two chances to participate

In Person: Sunday, April 21st, 3-5p ET


Online: Monday, May 6th, 12-2p ET

maximum 10 people per class.

Sliding Scale

Honor your needs.

We ask that you register at the highest level that you are able.

Interested in a trade or exchange instead? Reach out to Olga to discuss options.